miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014


Dr. Máximo Donoso Sánchez 



Nivel Intermedio 20 de mayo de 2014
Nivel Superior 21 de mayo de 2014

Contamos con Salón Centro Destrezas Siglo 21(Computadora), Biblioteca, Facilidades Deportivas, Salón Studio Engineering (Música)

                  Teléfono (787) 260-4694

jueves, 24 de abril de 2014

miércoles, 23 de abril de 2014

KODU Mystery Game closing activity

Today after working on this project for a month students had a their PBL closing activity.
First they had breakfast and music to provide an atmosphere of relaxation and comradery.

Then the teams accessed their KODU mystery games and each team played the other team's games rotating periodically to test each game created. They also gave their feedback about the project.

The school principal visited the students to observe their work. Students explained the project to him, summarized their mystery stories and made the connections between the stories and their KODU games.

Congratulations to all the students for their excellent job!

Mi Promesa

Como actividad de cierre de la Semana de la Biblioteca y de reflexión en Semana Santa Gisela Ruiz, nuestra bibliotecaria escolar,  trajo una charla muy emotiva e informativa.
El recurso de esta charla fue el Licenciado Iván Ayala de la Fundacion Únete (Luchando contra el cáncer pedriático) y se llevó a cabo el miércoles 16 de abril en la biblioteca escolar para toda la facultad.