According to
the 11th grade Curriculum Map, on chapter 11.3 “As I See It- Persuasion” the
students should be able to express thoughts and opinions to discuss current
events. To achieve this performance task, the students were organized into small
teams to write an editorial to send to the newspaper. In this case the Editorials would be
published on the school blog La Max Informa
Eleventh grade students worked on current school issues and wrote an editorial as part of Ms. Laura Montes Reynés' English class.
Eleventh grade students worked on current school issues and wrote an editorial as part of Ms. Laura Montes Reynés' English class.
Standards and Expectations:
(Technology Standards)
X__2.Communication & Collaboration
X__4.Critical Thinking, Problem Solving & Decision
X__5. Digital Citizenship
Please feel free to read and comment on the students' work.
Congratulations on this activity where students at the Máximo Donoso Sánchez school express their opinions on several issues and topics. Specifically, it is interesting to see students' opinion on the extended school schedule. This is a significant and important change that needs fine-tuning and needs to be reviewed to evaluate its effectiveness. I agree that this extra time could be tiring for students and teachers. However, we must find ways to provide reinforcement to important academic skills. We will continue looking for the right balance in terms of school hours and time to rest and participate in other family/community activities. Thanks again for sharing your point of view. Alexis Torres- Forward Learning.